Finished Lenses

The Lens Connection: Your Rx orders and stock lenses in one convenient shipment.

The Lens Connection

An Essilor Partner Lab with a vast inventory of finished lenses in stock.

The Lens Connection

The Lens Connection is an Essilor Partner Lab and offers a vast inventory of branded & private label finished lenses in stock and ready for overnight delivery in the USA. Combine your Rx orders with your stock lenses in one convenient shipment to save you money!

Some of the well-known brands in stock and ready for immediate delivery include:

  • Crizal
  • Transitions
  • Seiko
  • Vision-Ease


We also have a full line of Plano Polarized Lenses in plastic and polycarbonate in stock!

You can also look to The Lens Connection for Optical Supplies and accessories such as:

  • Job trays
  • BPI dyes
  • 3M leap pads
  • Screws
  • Much more

Place your stock lens orders online using our Rx Wizard software.

For more information...

Contact us today! We’re here to help you provide the highest quality optical products to your customers.